题目:pay more for less: effect of targeted lower cost sharing on healthcare utilization and expenditure
石菊,北京大学经济学院长聘副教授、博士生导师,中国社会科学院大学经济学院讲席教授,北京大学全球健康发展研究院双聘副教授,北京外国经济学说研究会副秘书长。主要研究领域为健康经济学和我国医疗卫生体制改革。石菊博士的研究关注医疗保险制度的制定与评估,包括医保支付制度的设计与政策评估、医疗保险报销制度的设计与对患者行为的影响,以及药品政策对医疗系统的影响。石菊博士先后获得清华大学经济学学士、硕士、美国波士顿大学经济学博士学位,在哈佛大学完成博士后研究工作后加入北京大学经济学院。多篇研究论文发表于国际国内顶级期刊,包括journal of public economics,journal of healtheconomics等,并承担了多项国家级和省部级课题研究。
cost sharing is central to health insurance design to achieve the seemingly conflicting objectives of controlling costs and ensuring access to care. we investigate how to achieve both objectives by leveraging a pilot insurance program in rural china that lowered prescription drug cost sharing for two chronic diseases---hypertension and diabetes. exploiting a unique administrative medical dataset, we find the program increased the use of outpatient care and sharply reduced inpatient admissions, a phenomenon termed the hospitalization offset, and achieved a substantial saving of total medical expenditure. three findings are worth noting. first, patients with the highest prior spending were most responsive to the change of cost sharing and contributed the most to the net saving of expenditure. second, the hospitalization offset was achieved by stimulating regular outpatient visits and improving patient health rather than pure substitution between inpatient and outpatient services. third, the information and salience effect of the program contributed importantly to the hospitalization offset. our findings have important implications for the value-based insurance design.