讲座题目:health insurance design with heterogeneous preferences
摘要:we investigate the welfare implications of different designs of a health insurance program by structurally estimating patient demand based on claims level data. we find that patients exhibit diverse preferences that affect their hospital and spending choices. a higher-deductible plan can improve social welfare, when patients with minor diseases value risk protection less; a higher reimbursement maximum does not necessarily lead to an increase in insurer costs, given modest moral hazard. we further discuss several alternative designs of a health insurance contract in a tiered inpatient care delivery system in rural china that may promote welfare gains.
主讲人:庄晨 助理教授(北京大学)
主持人:赵丽秋 副教授
庄晨,北京大学经济学院资源、环境与产业经济学系助理教授。2022年3月于美国华盛顿大学获得经济学博士学位,研究方向为发展经济学、应用微观计量、实证产业组织,侧重于政策的评估和设计。近年来在《经济学(季刊)》,science of the total environment,obesity,journal of comparative economics,china economic review等国内外期刊发表论文十余篇。讲授经济学原理、政策分析的现代工具等课程。