
劳动经济学双周学术论坛第143期讲座通知 发布时间:2019.12.06

讲座题目:clearing the smog: monitors, accountability andpollution reduction in china

摘要despite ambitious environmental laws in many countries across the globe, the enforcementof these regulations is often weak. holding government officials accountable forthis lack of enforcement is in turn often marred by poor information about environmentalquality. in this paper, we study whether better environmental monitoringcan solve this issue and improve the effectiveness of policy. we focus on air pollutionin china and investigate the impact of a nationwide monitoring program. usingidentification strategies that exploit strict assignment criteria set up by the centralgovernment, we show that an additional air pollution monitor reduced satellite-basedmeasures of pollution by 2-3% and increased enforcement of air-pollution regulationsby 20%. these effects are driven by local officials that face strong incentives to reducepollution and are stronger when there is limited scope for data manipulation – suggestingthat better quality information can strengthen accountability of implementingofficials and improve policy outcomes.

主讲人:邓子琛 博士候选人(阿姆斯特丹自由大学)




主持人:邹先强 助理教授



