讲座题目:college networks and re-employment of displaced workers
摘要:we provide the first evidence on the role of college networks in the re-employment of displaced workers. an extensive literature examines the consequences of layoffs, but the factors which facilitate re-employment are relatively under-studied. using administrative data and a cross-cohort design, we find that network connections with actively-hiring employers increase the re-employment rate. this result is driven by re-employment at contact’s firms suggesting that a stronger network does not improve worker quality more broadly. these results suggest that college has the potential to improve employment outcomes beyond improved human capital and signaling.
主讲人:潘伟祥 副教授(上海财经大学)
主持人:王雪凝 讲师
潘伟祥,现任上海财经大学高等研究院副教授,博士毕业于伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,研究方向为劳动经济学、教育经济学和应用微观经济学,尤其是高等教育与劳动市场的相关问题。学术文章发表于journal of labor economics、labour economics和economics of education review等权威期刊。研究成果曾被《纽约时报》(the new york times)以及美国《经济专家委员会年度报告》报道和引用。