职称职务:讲师 办公房间:求是楼446 办公电话:62511679 电子邮箱 所属教研室:劳动经济研究领域
2017-2022 美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校经济系 经济学博士
2017-2018 美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校经济系 经济学硕士
2013-2017 北京大学光华管理学院 经济学学士
2022至今 中国人民大学劳动人事学院 讲师
1. “impact of air pollution on short-term movements: evidence from air travels in china”, with shuai chen, yuyu chen and jie-sheng tan-soo, journal of economic geography, volume 20, july 2020
2. “vulnerable boys: short-term and long-term gender differences in the impacts of adolescent disadvantage”, with shelly lundberg, journal of economic behavior & organization, volume 178, october 2020
3. “chasing clean air: pollution-induced travels in china”, with shuai chen, yuyu chen and jie-sheng tan-soo, journal of the association of environmental and resource economists, volume 8, january 2021
4. “short-run and long-run effects of peers from disrupted families”, journal of population economics, volume 35, july 2022
5. “family companionship and elderly suicide: evidence from the chinese lunar new year”, with hanming fang, liguo lin, peng zhang and maigeng zhou, journal of development economics, volume 162, may 2023
国际期刊匿名审稿人:journal of economic behavior & organization,journal of human resources, journal of labor economics